Saturday, February 8, 2014

quiet time

  Does anyone like to be in a quiet room? I do but it seems I never get to any more.With all the noise I deal with everyday and how loud some people are it is very annoying. I work in a noisy shop with tools and equipment all day. Some of the other employees will just shout over the noise like it is not even there.It was loud but they are making it even louder.I guess it is not that bad I only work ten hours a day five day one week and six the next. When I get the chance to be in a quiet room it is nice and refreshing.
  Sometimes being in a quiet place is relaxing and soothing. It will give you time to settle down your mind. It will let your ears rest and reset. It will calm any anger or bad moods. Some people use this time to get closer to their religious beliefs.I like quiet times for a lot of reasons but I think the best one is so I don't go on a killing spree. I think everyone needs this time and it would help everyone be friendlier to each other and more patient when others make a mistake. So if everyone would get just a little more quiet time the world would be a better place.
  I know when i get overloaded with work, the kids,and school or many other things if I can just get a little peace and quiet I would be right as rain in just a little while.I do think everyone needs this but I don't think they know how to use to it to benefit  them.I have ran into many that say they can't be along in a quiet place cause they get wigged out. Maybe I am just strange about this but they did use to put prisoner in solitary cells when they did not get along with others. I think this was a forced time out but it always proved to work. So maybe we should have our own quiet times to keep us mellow.


  1. I feel ya! I am so ready for some quiet time myself! Nothing but peace.

  2. I see where you coming from since your around noise all day but if I sit in a quiet room for more than 5 min I start going nuts haha I have adhd I cant sit still for long
