Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Do you remember the movie "pay it forward"?  I do there was a time when I went around doing that same thing. The movie was about doing a good deed to someone for no payment in return. That is a great thought but no one does take the time and do it. I once had a job where a made more than enough money and had extra time to do just that.  If I seen someone on the side of the road I would stop and ask if I could help maybe change the tire or take them to a pay phone or anything that would help them out for nothing in return.

I started doing this because I seen a older women needing help and yes I just walk by at first but I heard her sigh in such a way that I felt bad. I stopped what I was doing and offered to help. She was very thankful but she kept wishing she good pay me back. I seen she could not and she asked "why would I not let her pay me for the help?"   I just thought real fast and said well ma'am if my mom was needing some help I hope someone would stop to do so. She was very happy with that reply and let me help her.

It wasn't right away but a week or two I seen the lady again she smile and said "thank you".  I smiled back and said " your welcome anytime."  It might have been that day or one a little later but I got to thinking what if my mom needed help and I was not there? Then I said maybe if I do a good deed some how it would get back to her or another loved one. I then would stop to help who ever where ever I could and would not take any payment. I would just ask them to do a good deed to someone else if the chance came up. I did for many years before the movie and several after.

I stopped when some mean people started stopping to rob or capture the people. A few bad apples would ruin a basket. So I stopped so people would not think I was there to harm them or get accused of it. I do wish I had time and money to do it again. I always felt happier when I could help someone in need.      

1 comment:

  1. This very rarely happens anymore but keep in mind it doesn't always have to be a big gesture, small ones work the same. The true blessing comes the place you were doing it from, your heart.
