Sunday, January 26, 2014

family events

    We have lots of family events. Seems like every month we are doing something for the family friends and kids. This last one we went to monster jam truck show. It was a lot of fun for both the parents and the kids. We tail gated with the grill and cooler. Played ball and games with the kids. We also had pit passes and had a blast there. We took lots of pictures for the ones that could not make it out.
   The show was great. It happened to be the last one in that stadium for they will be rebuilding it for next year. The trucks were amazing and seeing the kid's faces light up when they got close to them. They also got many signatures from the drivers. I knew it would be fun all day and night. I had to plan the night. I didn't want the kids to get cold so I packed plenty of jackets sweaters and shirts for all.
   It was fun but like all good times it had to come to an end. We carried the tired little ones to the trucks and then to bed. The adults did the clean up picking up the stuff and loading it in the trucks. We did get tired to so we carried just the food in and put it away that night. The next morning we finished the job of cleaning up and putting stuff back. I believe all the hard work is well worth it to see the happiness and joys from the kids. The lasting memories they will have and the stories they tell their friends.   

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Do you remember the movie "pay it forward"?  I do there was a time when I went around doing that same thing. The movie was about doing a good deed to someone for no payment in return. That is a great thought but no one does take the time and do it. I once had a job where a made more than enough money and had extra time to do just that.  If I seen someone on the side of the road I would stop and ask if I could help maybe change the tire or take them to a pay phone or anything that would help them out for nothing in return.

I started doing this because I seen a older women needing help and yes I just walk by at first but I heard her sigh in such a way that I felt bad. I stopped what I was doing and offered to help. She was very thankful but she kept wishing she good pay me back. I seen she could not and she asked "why would I not let her pay me for the help?"   I just thought real fast and said well ma'am if my mom was needing some help I hope someone would stop to do so. She was very happy with that reply and let me help her.

It wasn't right away but a week or two I seen the lady again she smile and said "thank you".  I smiled back and said " your welcome anytime."  It might have been that day or one a little later but I got to thinking what if my mom needed help and I was not there? Then I said maybe if I do a good deed some how it would get back to her or another loved one. I then would stop to help who ever where ever I could and would not take any payment. I would just ask them to do a good deed to someone else if the chance came up. I did for many years before the movie and several after.

I stopped when some mean people started stopping to rob or capture the people. A few bad apples would ruin a basket. So I stopped so people would not think I was there to harm them or get accused of it. I do wish I had time and money to do it again. I always felt happier when I could help someone in need.      

Grandparents eyes

    Hello today is a good day to talk about grandchildren and how as a grandparent you see how your kids seen you while they where growing up.  I have noticed my son playing with the grandson and remember doing the same things with him.  Hearing the laughing and seeing the big smiles and eyes filled will joy. I really enjoyed those time with my kids and now I see them doing the same things with their kids. I as the grand parent get to have different fun now.  We can break some of the rules that we would never break as parents like having ice cream before dinner. Yes of course it makes the new mommies and daddies mad cause I would never let them do that but hey what are grand parents for if not to now spoil the babies.
   Things that would have made me very mad now just makes me smile for example all my kids got in to a large jar of Vaseline and would spread it all over their room.  What a huge mess to clean and man was I mad but I ending up cleaning it yelling of course but then take the time to love up on them and teach them not to play with that stuff.  Just the other day grandson found a jar and spread it all over mommy and daddy's bedroom so I got to laugh but I also seen how I handled it in their eyes. This act actually made me feel like I did something right in raise my kids. the baby was yelled at and after cleaning they loved up on him to make him feel better.
   I remember teaching my kids to ride bicycles and the tough lessons that go with it. Last week they were trying to teach the grandson to ride for the first time. It was the same lessons taught the same ways with love and patience. I got to help with the ride part and the crash part and the doctor part but at the end of the day it was good to look back and see how I taught my kids and I could see how they felt loved and cared for and how they passed it on to the next generation. I can see things so differently now that I can see how people seen me back then and how I have changed. I see my kids are better prepared to be a parent than I was and I am thankful for the lessons I taught them and they taught me. Everyday is a new learning experience for I see through my kids eyes how they seen me as they are parenting the grandchildren. I have the pleasure of spoiling the babies because when I was parenting mine I was not able to and didn't feel it would have been the right thing to do

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

first blog

        Hey today, I guess first topic of choice will be four wheel drive trucks.   How they have changed over the years. How we use them differently.  How we use the new technology in many new cars and trucks today. Four wheel drive trucks are not for every one but I enjoy mine. 

Trucks were the first cars to come four wheel drive. The drive had to get out of the truck turn some knobs and move a different shift lever which was confusing to many and still is to new drivers. The trucks came with only one rear wheel the would power the truck and when applied one front wheel. As they advanced they hubs became auto so you didn't have to get out of the truck. Then even nicer things like locking axles and auto four wheel drive systems. A good four wheel drive now is called all wheel drive and completely automatic. 

Four wheel drive systems have many different uses today help stability and traction control and some cars will actually lift or lower the car to help the driver. A driver doesn't even have to push a button anymore the computers just does everything. Some car manufacturers don't even have the old lock the hub and shift the transfer case anymore. Many car companies have limited slip transfer cases so the ABS can keep the correct wheel with power.

 I have built my own four wheel drive truck with a certain plan to be able to play in the mud and help others get unstuck. I prefer Toyota older solid axle trucks. I have had very good luck with them and yes I know everyone has a different choice like Ford, Chevy,Dodge or even Jeep. While everyone has there own choice for different reasons I have chosen Toyota because I have seen them do better through rougher train with less problem.