Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Curtis Lowe

These blogs have shown me just how boring I am. I have only done fourteen and now I am out of things to write about. I really thought I was busier or at least more interesting. I have seen first hand that I really do not have a lot of things to talk about. I will guess that it is not a bad thing. But what does make some one interesting or give them something to talk about that is a good or safe thing to mention?
  Do they have to have a lot of friends or money or family? What would give someone a lot to say? Even better when someone has a lot to say will it be something people will want to talk or hear about? How would you know something would be good subject? Is it a hit or miss thing and some people hit it a lot.
 Does personality help this topic out? Like if someone has a lot of personality will that boost their chances of people wanting to hear or talk about it? What if they are plain and monotone but have picked a killer topic would that be enough to carry a conversation? I am just not sure of how or what makes a good topic. I do know bad news seems to get every bodies attention and that seems like a shame. I would like to find happy or positive things for people top talk about.